Today I was talking to a mother who shared with me a story that made me smile and cheer her on.
She told me that her teenage son was beginning to make friends with a girl at school who had a reputation for being a trouble-maker, promiscuous, badly behaved and connected with gangs. This mother pointed out to her son that he should be a little careful around her. So when this young girl asked her son out to the movies my friend, understandably, was seriously frightened. “Is this the beginning of my son mixing with the wrong crowd?” She wondered. Instantly she saw in her mind pictures of her son sitting in gaol because of some crime he had committed; graffiti, stealing and worse.
All of this because she had allowed him to mix with bad company. All because she had allowed him to go to the movies with a troublesome girl. Continue reading The Courageous Love of a Frightened Mother