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God who is with us: A reflection on the cross and a busted hot water tank.


My Easter week this year started badly.

Late at night my hot water tank blew up and so a plumber had to come at 2am Good Friday morning to take a look at it. It’s not exactly how I wanted Holy week to start off. A near disaster was avoided but it still left me stressed and annoyed that already early into the week, my plans were not going my way.

I love Easter. It’s a season when I look forward to God revealing something new. It sounds like magic, but I expect that God will show me something special about the beauty of God’s reign that week. Taking time to explore the humility of Jesus on Maundy Thursday, his sacrifice on Good Friday, the liminal space of Holy Saturday and the exuberance of Sunday is one of my favourite things. How could God not speak at this wonderful time in the Christian calendar? So the fact that something had happened to upset that sense of expectation grated on me.

But it’s through the disruptions that God speaks most clearly.  Continue reading God who is with us: A reflection on the cross and a busted hot water tank.