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How do we build community in “vertical villages”?

People can often experience loneliness and fragmentation in urban contexts. This is due to the nature of cities as places of diversity and transience. It can leave inhabitants of such places feeling a lack of connection to the place where they live. This is even more true as we see people moving into high rise settings where community-building can be more difficult. These high rises known as “vertical villages”, can make people feel more isolated from others and not know their neighbours. So how do we build community in “vertical villages”?

The Vertical Villages project decided to look into this

The research conducted in 2020 by a team of researchers at Macquarie University explored the role and potential of FBOs (faith-based orgainsations) to facilitate placemaking and community development in multicultural high-rise/high-density urban environments. The report engages with international and Australian-based literature on high density living, place-making, faith-based organisations, social mix and urban design.

A toolkit will become available soon offering resources for anyone wanting to build community in apartment complexes.

Neighbourhood Matters contributed a paper to the toolkit. This will be published soon but for now, here’s the introduction to the paper. You might find it helpful if you are interested in building community in high density areas.

A theology of building resilient communities in vertical villages: the role of churches and faith-based organisations

As Australia’s population grows and governments sell land for development, more and more people are living in high-rise towers. Developers often promote these buildings and estates as ‘communities’ and ‘villages’, however in most cases there is little if any strategy in place to live up to these ideals. The Vertical Villages Project “explores people’s experiences of living in multicultural high-rise, mix-tenure and high-density urban environments”. As part of that project, this paper explores ways in which local churches and Christian faith-based organisations can partner with communities in vertical villages to build resilience. We start by exploring the idea of resilience and the role of social capital in bonding people together within groups and bridging them between different groups. We look at the challenges and opportunities of building resilient communities in vertical villages and briefly look at successful models. We ask what specific contribution churches and faith-based organisations can make in this space. We then suggest five theological concepts that relate to the idea of resilience – community, shalom, incarnation, creation care and place – and how these concepts can motivate and inform churches and faith-based organisations as they partner with vertical villages to build resilient communities. Finally we provide some spiritual practices and practical tools to help you get started on the journey, followed by some check-in questions and practical suggestions.


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Starting a community garden- Surry Hills local Sarah Gray shares

Community gardens are one of the best ways for a neighbourhood to come together. It is also a great way to get educated around plants, sustainability and connecting to the earth in urban spaces. So we chatted to Surry Hills local Sarah Gray about what motivated her to rejuvenate a community garden right in the heart of Surry Hills.
Why did you start a garden in your local neighbourhood?
I’ve had a growing interest in plants, and noticed the verge garden near my home had turned into a big bed of weeds and compost!
Describe the garden for us.
The garden is very open, it’s a walkway between two busy streets in Surry Hills. We’ve installed 6 beds roughly 1 x 2m each and planted a mix of herbs, vegies, native plants and some flowers too. We’ve got a few seats around so people can enjoy the space too. Anyone can come help themselves to what’s growing – there’s quite a few chillies right now, and lots of basil and rosemary.
What do you love about the garden?
It brings the local neighbourhood together. Anytime I walk past there are people using the space in different ways – bringing their compost from home, picking some herbs or sitting in the shade; and whenever children come past they are always fascinated by something. Lately we’ve had baby eggplants growing – something most of us had never seen before!
The garden was started by Hetty Mckinnon and other SH residents years ago. She ran a successful business making salads with produce from the garden. Since she moved to New York, the garden became a little rundown and it just needed some care from new locals to get it going again. Hetty has since put our fabulous cookbooks stemming from her experiences in gardening.
What are some challenges?
When we started planning to bring the garden to life we were warned about likely damage. It’s a common route for big crowds to pass through on their way to sports games at Moore Park, and not far from some local pubs. But so far we haven’t had many issues, just a few plants stolen. Otherwise the usual challenges of learning to grow, some of our plantings have done well but others haven’t – and our small group are all learning as we go.
What are your plans for the future of the garden?
I’m excited to see our plantings really take off in the next few months, they’ve already had a good boost from all this La Nina rain! We’ll change up the vegies as the seasons change, so look out for some winter veg like carrots and snow peas in the next few months.
How do people join in helping?
We’ve been gathering on the 3rd Sunday of each month in the mid-afternoon, join our Facebook group for updates here:
[note this will probably shift with daylight savings and around easter so don’t have a specific time to say, it has been 4.30pm]
If you want to start a community garden in your neighbourhood here are a few first steps
-Work with what already exists in your community
-Talk to a local council member who is responsible for community gardening
-Talk with neighbours who might be interested in getting involved.
-Apply for grants to get you started. 
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A Bounded Life- embracing the local in a post-Covid world

The Covid-19 pandemic has ushered in a season of ‘micro-living’. In many ways our lives have become smaller, concrete, more ordinary and local. Instead of expensive overseas travel to exotic, faraway places, we consider a walk to the local shops as extravagant. Rather than going out to enjoy the ‘foodie’ scene by tracking down the trendiest restaurant, we are cooking at home, spending money locally and focusing on enjoying time with family or neighbours. Rather than spending our leisure time in other parts of the country, we are walking the streets of our neighbourhoods. We are observing the daily rhythms of life in the places we live that we would normally not see sitting in an office in the workplace, usually far away from our home.

We often hear the term ‘glocal’, encouraging us to ‘think globally, act locally’, or suggesting that the global and local are just as important as each other. However I want to propose that this pandemic season has highlighted the primary significance and value of the local. We have paid attention to local businesses, networks, schools, neighbourhoods, geography, communities, economies, institutions and public spaces more than ever in the last couple of months. We have had to do this because of physical/social distancing and the ‘lockdown’.

Yet many have been championing the importance and goodness of the local for some time.

In their book The Abundant Community: Awakening the power of families and Neighborhoods, John McKnight and Peter Block focus on the power of thinking and acting locally. They contrast a citizen, ‘who chooses to create life, the neighbourhood, the world from their own gifts and the gifts of others’, with a consumer, ‘who has surrendered to others the power to provide what is essential for a full and satisfied life’. During this pandemic we have seen people shift from being consumers to citizens as they have moved from relying on external institutions for support to focusing on their local networks and neighbours for assistance. We have seen examples of local ‘blessing boxes’, people ‘chalking’ encouraging messages on pavements, ‘adopt-a-business’ initiatives to support local cafes, encouraging notes in letterboxes, and community groups supplying information, support and advice to vulnerable people in the neighbourhood. We have rediscovered and re-embodied urbanist Jane Jacobs’ classic phrase ‘eyes on the street’. This is about local people engaging in their local spaces to keep those places safe and to retain and transmit the embedded knowledge of that place, strengthening social cohesion and building a resilient community that can withstand any disaster.

In his book Building Resilience: Social Capital in Post-Disaster Recovery, Daniel Aldrich writes that places that have experienced great disasters do not recover primarily because of the amount of aid given by governments and institutions but because of their depth of social capital – that is, the strength of local networks and social relationships that exist in that place. If a community has strong relationships, social networks and a healthy practice of ‘eyes on the street’, it will be more resilient and will recover more quickly in difficult times. We have seen this resilience develop in many communities during the pandemic, so how can we build on this in a post-Covid-19 world?

The temptation will be to go back to the way things were: unbounded global travel, long travel times from home to office and the pursuit of a ‘larger life’ by having many options set before us rather than simply choosing local and living a smaller, quieter yet possibly more fruitful and faithful life. Indeed a ‘bounded’ life – restricted to local places, economy and neighbourhoods – can also be liberating. It can help foster social cohesion, resilience and care for our planet. With all the very real concerns of climate change, social fragmentation, rampant consumerism and individualism that show humanity’s fragility, our unbounded lifestyles cannot secure a sustainable world.

And as we have seen recently, there can be great joy in ‘micro-living’.

Elizabeth Newman writes in Untamed Hospitality that the manifestation of God’s shalom does not depend on big events but rather on the ordinary, the small and the practice of faithful presence through acts of hospitality towards those in our spheres of influence:

The faithful practice of hospitality must begin and also end with what our society will tend to reject as of little consequence. Waiting for the earthshaking event or the cultural or even ecclesial revolution can paralyze us. We are rather, as the gospel reminds us, called to be faithful in the small things. Hospitality is a practice and discipline that asks us to do what in the world’s eyes might seem inconsequential but from the perspective of the gospel is a manifestation of God’s kingdom.

Ordinary, faithful and small acts in local spaces can emit the fragrance of a new reality, the reign of God in our neighbourhoods. This is, I believe, what we’ve had a glimpse of during the pandemic. We have the opportunity to build on this posture and nurture it in the new normal that we are entering into.

(This article first appeared here )